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  1. Why should we be concerned with privacy?  The collection, use, and sharing of data from data subjects – users of the internet or people that provide information to organizations – is regulated in some states (currently California, Connecticut, Colorado, Virginia, Utah, Texas and Montana) and nationally for children under the age of 13.  It is important for Be Pro to disclose whose data we collect and how it is used and shared to be compliant with these regulations.
  2. Why do we have partners sign the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement?  We collect information from data subjects that is sensitive information – namely race information - under the law.  When this type of data is collected, we need to make sure the information we have is maintained confidentiality within Be Pro and by our partners.  We do this through our Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement that requires confidentiality, security, and the return to Be Pro of data at our request.
  3. When should a partner sign the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement?  All partners must sign the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement before any data from a data subject is provided to the partner.  If the partner will not sign, they cannot receive data.
  4. How often should partners sign the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement? Data security is something important to keep top of mind so it is a best practice for all partners to sign a renewed Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement at the beginning of each year or every time they receive data from Be Pro.
  5. What is the procedure for getting a partner to sign the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement?  During the process of bringing the partner into the Be Pro family, the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement should be provided for review and signature before any data from a data subject is shared.  Once this is signed, each Be Pro affiliate should maintain a copy and send a copy to the main Be Pro for record-keeping.
  6. What data can a Be Pro affiliate provide to a Be Pro partner? Be Pro partners that have signed the Be Pro Mutual Nondisclosure Agreement may be provided only the data from data subjects for that Be Pro affiliate.  If the Be Pro partner wishes to obtain data from another state Be Pro affiliate, it must obtain it from the other state’s Be Pro affiliate.  The data from each state must remain separate.
  7. What should a Be Pro affiliate do if it receives a request for information or other inquiry from a data subject? The data subject should immediately be put in touch with the privacy group at